Semua Perintah Penting untuk Command Prompt (cmd) Windows

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Buka command line dengan: 
TOMBOL WINDOWS+R > ketik 'cmd' > ENTER

Mode admin: 

ASSOCDisplays or modifies file extension associations
BCDEDITBoot Configuration Data Store Editor
BITSADMINBackground Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) administration utility
CDChanges the current directory
CHCPDisplays or sets the active code page number
CHDIRChanges the current directory
CHKDSKChecks a disk and displays a status report
CLSClears the screen
CMDStarts a new instance of the command prompt
COLORSets the default console foreground and background colors
COMPCompares the contents of two files or sets of files
COMPACTDisplays or alters the compression of files on NTFS partitions
CONVERTConverts FAT volumes to NTFS
COPYCopies one or more files to another location
DATEDisplays or sets the date
DELDeletes one or more files
DIRDisplays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory
DISKPARTDisk Partition Manager
DOSKEYEdits command lines, recalls Windows commands, and creates macros
DRIVERQUERYDisplays a list of installed device drivers and their properties
ECHODisplays messages, or turns command echoing on or off
EXITQuits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter)
EXPANDExpands one or more compressed files
ECHODisplays messages, or turns command echoing on or off
ENDLOCALEnds localization of environment changes in a batch file
ERASEDeletes one or more files
EXITQuits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter)
FCCompares two files or sets of files and displays the differences between them
FINDSearches for a text string in a file or files
FINDSTRSearches for strings in files
FORRuns a specified command for each item in a set
FORMATFormats a disk for use with Windows
FSUTILDisplays or configures the file system
FTPTransfers files to and from a remote computer running FTP server service
GOTODirects the command interpreter to a labeled line in a batch program
GPRESULTDisplays Group Policy information for machine or user
GRAFTABLEnables Windows to display an extended character set in graphics mode
HELPProvides Help information for Windows commands
ICACLSDisplays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) for files and folders
IPCONFIGDisplays all current TCP/IP network configuration values
LABELCreates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk
MDCreates a directory
MKDIRCreates a directory
MKLINKCreates Symbolic Links and Hard Links
MODEConfigures system devices
MOREDisplays output one screen at a time
MOVEMoves one or more files from one directory to another directory
NETManages network resources
NETSHConfigures dynamic and static network information
NETSTATDisplays active TCP connections and ports
NBTSTATDisplays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
NSLOOKUPEnables a user to query Domain Name System (DNS) servers
OPENFILESDisplays files opened by remote users for a file share
PATHDisplays or sets the command search path
PAUSESuspends processing of a batch file and displays a message
PINGVerifies IP-level connectivity to another TCP/IP computer
POPDChanges the current directory to the one most recently stored by the PUSHD command
POWERCFGConfigures power settings on Windows systems
PRINTPrints a text file
PROMPTChanges the Windows command prompt
PUSHDStores the current directory for use by the POPD command and then changes to a new directory
RDRemoves a directory
RECOVERRecovers readable information from a bad or defective disk
REMRecords comments (remarks) in batch files or CONFIG.SYS
RENRenames a file or files
RENAMERenames a file or files
REPLACEReplaces files
RMDIRRemoves a directory
ROBOCOPYAdvanced utility for copying files and directories
ROUTEManipulates network routing tables
RUNASAllows a user to run a program as a different user
SCConfigures Windows service parameters
SCHTASKSSchedules commands and programs to run on a computer
SETDisplays, sets, or removes Windows environment variables
SETLOCALBegins localization of environment changes in a batch file
SFCScans and verifies the integrity of Windows system files
SHIFTShifts the position of replaceable parameters in batch files
SHUTDOWNAllows proper local or remote shutdown of machine
SORTSorts input
STARTStarts a separate window to run a specified program or command
SUBSTAssociates a path with a drive letter
SYSTEMINFODisplays machine-specific properties and configuration
TASKLISTDisplays all currently running tasks including services
TASKKILLKills one or more running tasks
TIMEDisplays or sets the system time
TITLESets the window title for a CMD.EXE session
TREEGraphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path
TYPEDisplays the contents of a text file
VERDisplays the Windows version
VERIFYTells Windows whether to verify that your files are written correctly to a disk
VOLDisplays a disk volume label and serial number
XCACLSDisplays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files and folders
XCOPYCopies files and directories, including subdirectories


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